2 Yoga asanas, which both of you can stay healthy
Each of us has been given the gift of life thanks to our parents. Yoga is that divine instrument, which helps us to understand and enjoy this life. Originating from the word ‘Yuj’ in Sanskrit, yoga translates to ‘to unite’ or ‘union’.
This makes yoga the perfect way to achieve the bliss of family unity and love. Yoga can help us sow the seeds of a bond within the family. In particular, it can deepen relationships with loved ones such as parents.
If you want to learn different types of yoga then you can join a 3 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh.
Benefits of doing yoga with father
1. Strengthen Relationships
Due to phones, the internet, social media, and networking, our relationships are getting away from us every moment. In this mind-wandering era, more and more families are losing touch with each other. Yoga can be the solution to this problem and can be a great way to bond with your child or your father.
Along with practicing yoga for good health, mental peace, and bliss, it can bring back a sense of belonging, feelings of love, and mutual friendship. Let us not be blinded by the flood of technology, but use it only to make our lives more convenient.
2. Spiritual Connection
As you try to recapture that family time, through yoga, it can also be used to understand and recognize the spiritual connection with the Father.
Rekindle the warmth of that close relationship that you once shared with them. This is also one of the many ways in which you can ensure the health of the parents.
All you have to do is roll out the yoga mat. Next, the rules of asana, pranayama, and meditation are to be shared as a family.
Yoga asanas that can be done with father
1. Vrikshasana / Tree Pose
Vrikshasana is not only a yoga asana but also a stretching exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to relax the muscles by bringing the right stretch throughout the body. This posture is not only suitable for elders but also for children and youth. Hence this asana can be practiced regularly.
Vrikshasana is the beginner-level posture of Hatha Yoga. While doing this asana, it is advisable to stand on one leg for only one minute. After this posture should be done on the other leg. This asana should be done at least 5 times on each leg.
With regular practice of Vrikshasana, ankles, thighs, calves, ribs become strong. While there is a strain on the groin, thighs, shoulders, and chest.
2. Sukhasana
Sukhasana is a sitting posture. This is a basic posture, which can also be used for meditation, pranayama, and meditation. Sukhasana calms the mind and the mind and increases the production of happy hormones.
It is considered one of the simplest asanas of hatha yoga. Sukhasana also helps in curing many diseases. Many mental and physical ailments have also been seen to be cured by its regular practice.
For such parents who have the problem of weakening of the brain at an older age, this asana can prove to be very effective. By practicing this asana, one can take life in happy mode by making the body and mind calm.