Visual merchandising and displays in retail are and will always be essential to driving interest and conversions for brick-and-mortar retailers. Studies have proven that the majority of the information humans’ process is via the eyes.
Humans are extremely visual. This is an aspect that is especially important when operating a physical shop. One of the primary reasons people choose to shop in person is to experience the items in person. This is an additional reason to create successful shelf wobbler for retail.
Find out more about ideas along with examples of merchandise that are done correctly. We hope that the suggestions below will help you develop your own retail store display concepts.
Create Immersive Retail Displays
The most effective way to leave an impression that lasts is to immerse your clients in a specific environment or location. See the picture below. Displays themselves are quite simple and the retailer uses a handful of simple fixtures and racks.
However, because other components that make up the retail store (i.e. the wall colour as well as the cold-weather products and the words “it’s freezing outside”) are unified by a theme, the result is quite impressive. It draws customers in an experience that is based on the “cool” concept of the shop, creating an enthralling experience.
Invite People To Be Able To Touch And Feel Your Products
They discovered that the primary reason that people buy from brick and mortar shops rather than online is because physical retail stores let shoppers experience things in the store. What is the most important takeaway?
Design displays that will encourage customers to feel and touch your products. If your products are sat on a table, but still in their boxes you could be losing the opportunity to connect with your clients.
Also, take your product out of their packaging to let customers feel your product. For example, this is done by letting their customers touch and feel the hairdryers. Whereas other stores store the items in their boxes Ultra puts their hairdryers on display for customers to feel and touch them.
Who Wrote Those Shelf-Talkers In The First Place? Tips For Retailers And Consumers
Shelf talker is an integral component of the wine retail industry. The cards that are placed under wine bottles offer information on how the vineyard operates, wine tasting information and occasionally ratings.
Most often, they are handwritten and may provide personal touches without contact with staff at the store and are clearly intended to influence buying purchases. Many people believe that the retail store employees write these shelf-talkers. A lot of times it’s not the scenario.
In many shops the distributors who supply the wines and put them on the shelves write the shelf-talkers. Personalised door hangers first noticed this a few years ago when witnessing the same language and handwriting that described the wine in a variety of wine shops in town.
These are shelf-talkers at their most savage. It is, at best, incompetence on the part the retailer and distributor. It could be intentional deceit.
How does it affect you? If this is an instance of a handful of bad apples ruining the entire bunch However, some of those apples could be very awful. Here is guidance for both customers and distributors about shelf-talkers.
Tips for Consumers
1. If Shelf-Talker Awards Points Are Sure That The Year Is Identified And It Is The Same Vintage As The Bottle That Is On The Shelf.
Scores on shelves-talkers usually are a reference to the previous vintage of wine. When shelves are replenished, often the vintage is changed, but the shelf-talker doesn’t.
2. If The Shelf-Talker Offers Points Ensure That It Comes From A Reliable Source.
The top sources of reliability are mostly, Wine Spectator, Wine Advocate and Wine Enthusiast. There are several other reliable publications. However, if you find an article that is based on an organisation you’ve not heard of, make sure to look for the source prior to buying the wine.
3. If The Shelf-Talker Offers Points From A Reliable Source And Is Written In Hand Make Sure You Check The Score Prior To Purchasing The Wine.
Many magazines offer shelf stalkers that retailers can print and make use of. If you find an unwritten shelf-talker which refers to the publication, it’s possible that the score or source could be inaccurate.
While many of the handwritten shelf-talkers reference scores from publications however, there are some that do not and are merely misrepresenting scores publications, scores or both. Wine Spectator and Wine Advocate are readily accessible online but they do require the purchase of a subscription.
The database of Wine Enthusiast is completely free. It is also worth looking at the website of a winery to determine whether the score is linked to. There are many that aren’t up-to-date.
4. If It Sounds Too Promising For It To Be Real, Then It Likely Is.
If a wine is described as having an excellent description, a high rating and a remarkably low price, be wary particularly in the event that the wine is more than a few years old or doesn’t have a designation of vintage.
5. Establish Relationships With The Retail Store Employees.
Begin to get acquainted with the people at the stores that you frequent, and let them know you. This will allow them to guide you towards wines you appreciate and away from those that won’t. In addition, it’s much simpler to inquire and get their answers.
6. If You Spot A Shelf-Talker That’s Incorrect Or Inaccurate Take Your Concerns To The Staff At The Store.
It’s possible that staff members are unaware that the shelf-talker’s information is not accurate or is misleading. It is important to inform them.
Information for Retailers and Distributors
1. Shelf-Talkers’ Information Must Be Up-To-Date And Accurate.
It is essential that the information contained in shelf-talkers are accurate. If not, correct it!
2. Whatever The Author Of The Shelf-Talker, It’s The Responsibility Of The Retailer To Make It Certain The Data Provided Is Correct.
The impression is that the retailer wrote the shelf-talker. This means that the retailer could lose their credibility if they are inaccurate or false. Retailers must pay attention to the shelf-talkers at their stores and search for errors. Distributors who misuse this method are putting at risk their credibility as well as their relationship with retailers and do this at their own risk.
3. Avoid Using Shelf-Talkers That Provide Inaccurate Or Misleading Information.
This is obvious. Although it appears that some people haven’t noticed the hand-held devices that allow you to easily verify the accuracy of information. If you think that people aren’t noticing that you’re providing inaccurate or false information about scores or publications, or prices, think twice.
4. Learn To Get To Know Your Customers.
Shelf-talkers are useful and will continue to do so; Wine can be daunting to many people, however part of the role of retailers is to help those who need help to overcome this.
Make the effort to build relations with your customers and let them build relations with you. This will help you build long-term customers who become customers who are advocates for your brand.