Syphilis Testing: Why is it Important?
Syphilis is one of the most common STDs that are prevalent in our world today. Even worse, it may transmit from one person to another through unprotected sexual intercourse. When you enjoy any kind of sexual activity with your partner, it is important to conduct tests for syphilis and other possible STDs. This is important because knowing your status will make it easier to prevent spreading the infection to other people.
What is Syphilis?
Syphilis is a kind of STD that spreads due to unprotected sexual intercourse with a person who already has the infection. It occurs due to the presence of bacterium and may be the reason for death if you do not treat on time.
When someone has this infection, it will remain in the body in four stages: primary, secondary, latent, and final. If left to the final stages, it could lead to death. You can treat syphilis by taking antibiotics in its early stages. In most cases, penicillin is recommended by the doctor for treatment.
If the individual is allergic to penicillin, then they can take other antibiotics for the treatment. The only way to diagnose the syphilis infection is through sample blood testing.
Mode of transmission
Syphilis spreads from one person to the other through unsafe sexual contact. The bacterium passes from the infected person to another when the uninfected person comes in direct contact with a syphilis sore during vaginal, oral or anal sex. If the open sore remains in the mouth, it may pass through kissing. Usually, there are sores on the penis, in the vagina, anus or mouth.
Other than enjoying sexual intercourse, the infection usually transmits from a pregnant mother to her child during childbirth. Anyone sexually active should test annually and whenever they have sex with a new partner. Pregnant women should also conduct tests for syphilis when they are pregnant.
The symptoms of syphilis show up differently depending on the stage of infection. Note that while some people may experience or show symptoms, others may not. The symptoms of syphilis are as follows;
- Primary stage: The primary stage sets in about three weeks after infection. At this point, the infected person may develop a small sore at the entry point of the bacterium. The entry point may either be in or on the penis, vagina, anus or mouth. Some people may have several sores, while others may have just one. It is painless and usually disappears within a few weeks.
- Secondary stage: After a few weeks following the healing of the first sore, a rash may develop. The rash starts on the body’s core, and this is the area that covers the abdomen, sides and back. The rash spreads eventually to the entire body, even the hands and feet, and sores may also develop in the mouth or genital area. The rash may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as cold, fever, sore throat, muscle ache and swollen lymph glands. The rash is usually not itchy, and it can disappear after a few weeks or even come and go over a year. At this point, you should perform tests for syphilis.
- Latent stage: At this point, the bacteria responsible for the infection are still living and thriving in the body; however, the symptoms may have disappeared. For years, the bacteria can lie dormant and show no indication.
- Late or final stage: This is the final stage, and at this stage, the bacteria has eaten deep into the individual’s brain, major organs, bones and joints. This is the point where the individual dies.
Who is at risk?
Anyone who practices unprotected sexual intercourse is at risk of contracting syphilis and any other STD. You can prevent getting the infection through abstinence or safe sexual intercourse.
You can reduce your chances of getting the infection by using condoms properly during sexual intercourse. This only lowers the risk for penetrative sex like anal or vaginal sex. For oral sex, there is usually no protection because the sores can be present in the mouth.
According to research, those who engage in unsafe sex, those who have multiple sex partners and are HIV positive, possess greater risks of getting this infection.
Why it is important to perform the test
It is necessary to test early and perform the right treatment to save yourself from reaching the final stage.
The infection can kill when you do not treat it on time. Furthermore, some people may not experience or show symptoms until the latent stage. This is dangerous and conducting necessary tests will help save their lives.
Where you can conduct the test
There are numerous testing centers to test for syphilis and other STDs. However, you can get private syphilis testing in London, when you call on 020 34751653 or book an appointment online at www.sexualhealthclinic.london.