Top 7 Most Common AC Problems In Summer
As the ongoing situation is taking a little more time to be resolved than expected, be prepared for the summers to come. When the June scorching sun looks red instead of orange, and it’s 40 degrees inside you should have an Air Conditioner that does its job properly. So here are the top 7 most common AC problems, so that you can steer clear of them and the only problem you have is which movie to see or which or which ice cream to eat.
Capacitors AC Problems
Check your capacitors. The most common breakdown of current AC systems is because of the run capacitors. This is a device that helps the motors initially start and run throughout but when it falls typically, the fan motor will take forever to start and will completely shut down due to safety mechanisms. The older ACs however used to have a different type of capacitor which ran on PCB oil that used to last longer. But when studies reported that PBC oil is a carcinogen (an agent that can cause cancer in humans), and also catastrophic for the environment, it stopped being used in Air Conditioners. Current Air conditioner systems use castor oil to work which doesn’t last long especially on a hot day.
How to determine if the capacitor is working.
To check the capacitors you don’t have to pop it open just check if it is able to turn on properly and if it does its motor fans should shortly start working too. If this does not happen it needs to be fixed immediately by appointing Ac Repair in Mumbai services.
Leakage AC Problems
A water leak although will clearly be visible, refrigerant can however pass unnoticed. If your AC is leaking water, it may be a cause of damaged drainage which is leaking out and should immediately be changed. If there is humidity in your house it might be a refrigerant leak which could be due to a hole in the evaporator coil. Low refrigerant can cause AC Problems that you would like to avoid.
Low on Refrigerant
As AC is a closed circuit you should never have to add refrigerant to it but sometimes due to leakage it can run out of refrigerant which a) needs to be treated immediately otherwise the leak could increase and b) low refrigerant can cause ice to form on the evaporator coil and outside the AC as well. A leak can make the matter really expensive because larger leaks run out of refrigerants in a shorter time than small or obviously no leaks.
Dirty Filters AC Problems
As the summer peaks, your AC filters may get dirty varying from house to house, people living, traffic in and out, location, etc. and if the temperature is like 40, 50 degrees you may find yourself cleaning the filters in a span of about 3,4 weeks instead of the required 3 month time period. It would be best to invest in middle-of-the-road pleated air filters which can absorb more dirt without being overly restrictive at the same time.
Dirty A/C Coils AC Problems
If you have never looked into your A/C coils this might be a time to check it. An average ac can process about 100,000 pounds of air in one day and imagine how much debris, dirty it will have. You should get it cleaned or checked at the beginning of the season itself, so you don’t have to worry in the mid-season but if it is running more than normal hours you should get it checked again depending upon how much it is being used.
Clogged Drain
Apart from the A/C cooling the air it is also dehumidifying. This means that all the air passing from your air conditioner is converting some of it into water, dirty water at that which should ideally be able to come out so that it doesn’t damage the motors or any other part. The water may also contain some sludge which can sediment inside the drain pipe and banish the flow of the dirty water causing the air conditioner to fill up with the water. If you see water accumulating inside or under the air conditioner called an Ac Repair in Bhopal professional ASAP.
Motor Failure
A motor failure is a more expensive repair on an HVAC system. It can be a cause of any of the above-listed situations. A failed capacitor may put a load on the motor as it tries to start and cause it to shut down. Water leakage or lack of refrigerant may cause the overuse of motor and compressors, dirty equipment may completely damage the motor. It is really important to keep your motor fit because a good motor ensures the longevity of the system.